Diabetes is a serious health problem, which is increasing rapidly due to irregular lifestyle and poor eating habits. In this, the blood sugar level in the body becomes higher than normal, which can lead to various complications. If it is not controlled in time, it can cause heart disease, kidney failure and other serious problems. However, diabetes can be controlled by adopting some effective methods. In this article, we will tell you 10 easy and effective measures, which will help you maintain better health.
1. Follow a balanced diet
It is very important to follow a balanced diet to control diabetes. Eat fiber-rich foods like green vegetables, whole grains, oatmeal, fruits and pulses. Eat protein-rich foods like cheese, eggs, fish and soy. Avoid sugar and high-calorie foods. Avoid eating processed food, bakery items and more fried items, as they can increase blood sugar. Eat small portions of food so that the sugar level does not increase suddenly.
Also, choose low-fat options while choosing dairy products and prefer sugar-free foods. Include coconut water, buttermilk and herbal tea in your diet instead of sweet beverages. Do not add too much oil and spices to the food and always eat balanced and nutritious food.
2. Exercise regularly
Exercise increases the sensitivity of insulin in the body, which keeps blood sugar under control. Doing brisk walking, yoga, cycling, aerobics or light exercise for at least 30 to 45 minutes every day is very beneficial. If you cannot go to the gym, do light exercises at home, such as stretching, push-ups and planks. Climbing stairs, doing household chores, gardening or dancing can also be included in physical activities.
If you sit for a long time, take a few minutes break every hour and walk a little. This improves blood circulation in the body and keeps the blood sugar level under control.
3. Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep can cause hormonal imbalance in the body, which can increase blood sugar levels. An adult should get 7-8 hours of deep sleep every day.
Make it a habit to sleep early and wake up early at night. Stop using mobile and laptop at least one hour before sleeping. Listening to light music or reading a book before sleeping can be helpful.
4. Manage stress
Taking excessive stress increases the level of cortisol hormone in the body, which affects blood sugar. Do meditation, yoga and pranayama to reduce stress. Spend time in your favorite hobbies, such as reading books, listening to music and painting. Interact with friends and family and adopt positive thinking.
5. Drink more water
Drinking enough water flushes out toxins from the body and keeps blood sugar under control. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily.
Avoid sweet beverages and prefer green tea, lemonade and coconut water. Staying hydrated also keeps the digestive system healthy.
6. Avoid smoking and alcohol
Smoking and alcohol consumption affect insulin sensitivity and can increase diabetes. If you are in the habit of these, try to quit it gradually.
7. Take medicines regularly
Take the medicines prescribed by the doctor regularly. Do not increase or decrease the amount of medicines on your own and always keep checking your blood sugar.
8. Avoid processed food and sweetened beverages
Sugary drinks, packaged food and junk food increase blood sugar quickly. Instead, eat a fresh and balanced diet. Homemade food is always a better option.
9. Eat small meals
Instead of eating 2-3 heavy meals a day, eat 5-6 small healthy meals. This keeps blood sugar balanced and insulin levels stable.
10. Get regular health checkups
Get blood tests done from time to time to avoid diabetes and its related problems. Get HbA1c, fasting sugar and post-prandial sugar tests done regularly.
It is not possible to completely eliminate diabetes, but it can be kept under control by adopting the right lifestyle. You can improve your health by adopting a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management and a healthy lifestyle. If you adopt these 10 effective methods, it will definitely become easier for you to control diabetes.