Preparing for Ramadan: Tips to Make the Most of the Holy Month

Preparing for Ramadan: Best tips to make the most of the holy month

Ramadan is the holiest month of Islam, in which the devotees observe fasting for the whole day and spend time in the worship of Allah. It is a month of self-control, self-purification and good deeds. To make the most of this month, it is very important to make the right preparations. Let us know some important tips that will help you in preparing for Ramadan.

1. Spiritual Preparation Ramadan

    Ramadan is not just a month of staying hungry and thirsty, but it is a time of self-purification. Therefore, we should prepare for it wholeheartedly.

    • Purify the intention

    Fasting is not just a ritual, but an act of worship, which brings us closer to Allah. Make the intention of fasting with complete sincerity and truth. When we keep fast with a true heart, Allah gives us its best reward.

    • Repent from sins

    Ask for forgiveness for your sins before Ramadan and try to follow the righteous path. We should take advantage of this month to correct our mistakes and try to get closer to Allah. This month gives us a great opportunity to repent from our old sins.

    • Recite the Quran

    The month of Ramadan is the month of revelation of the Quran, so make it a habit to take out some time every day to read the Quran.

    • Try to read the entire Quran Sharif at least once in Ramadan.
    • If it is not possible to read the entire Quran, then at least make it a habit to memorize some Surahs.
    • Try to understand the meaning of the Quran and follow it.
    • Be punctual in Namaaz

    Make it a habit to pray five times a day before Ramadan so that it becomes easier for you in Ramadan.

    • Try to pray Tahajjud as its importance increases in Ramadan.
    • Make it a habit to go to the mosque and pray in jamaat.
    • Participate in Taraweeh Namaaz so that you get more Sawab.

    Physical preparation Ramadan

      The body needs energy during fasting, so it is important to take care of your health beforehand.

      • Take a balanced diet

      Balance your diet before Ramadan, so that your body can be prepared for fasting. The right diet will not only keep you healthy but will also make your fasting easier.

      • Eat foods that provide energy throughout the day in Sehri.
      • Eat light and nutritious food in Iftar so that there is no excessive strain on the digestive system.
      • Avoid eating too much fried food, so that the body does not feel lethargic.
      • Make a habit of waking up early in the morning

      Waking up early is necessary for Sehri, so adopt this habit beforehand. If you make a habit of waking up early before Ramadan, you will not have any problem waking up for Sehri.

      • Reduce caffeine and sugar

      Reduce the consumption of too much tea, coffee and sweets to avoid headaches and fatigue during Ramadan. Caffeine-containing foods can dehydrate the body, so limit its consumption.

      • Stay hydrated

      Increase the consumption of water and healthy drinks to keep the body hydrated. Drinking enough water during suhoor is essential to avoid feeling thirsty throughout the day. Also, consuming coconut water, milk and fresh fruit juices will keep the body hydrated.

      Mental preparation Ramadan

        Self-control and patience are very important during Ramadan. Prepare yourself mentally:

        • Adopt a positive attitude

        Do not consider Ramadan a burden, but consider it an opportunity for self-improvement. This month teaches us patience and teaches us a lesson in self-control.

        • Reduce stress

        Keep your mind calm through meditation and prayer. Taking too much stress can reduce the effect of fasting, so try to keep your mind calm.

        • Set Ramadan goals

        Do you want to read the entire Quran? Or gain some new Islamic knowledge? Plan ahead.

        Household preparations Ramadan

          Household preparations are also important to save time and focus on prayers during Ramadan.

          • Buy groceries and essentials

          So that you don’t have to go to the market again and again and your prayers are not interrupted. Stock up on essentials ahead of time so that you can spend more time praying during Ramadan.

          • Make simple meal plans

          Plan to cook light and nutritious meals. Make sure you know what to cook for Sehri and Iftar to save time.

          • Clean and decorate

          Keep the house clean so that the mind is relaxed during Ramadan. Make the house beautiful and clean to welcome Ramadan.

          Social and family preparations Ramadan

            Spending Ramadan with family and society doubles the joy of it.

            • Pray with family

            This is the most beautiful aspect of Ramadan. If the whole family prays together, the fun of Ramadan will increase.

            • Help the needy

            Pay Zakat and help the poor. The importance of good deeds increases in Ramadan.

            Spiritual and charitable preparations Ramadan

              The reward of good deeds increases manifold in Ramadan, so give priority to good deeds.

              • Give Zakat and Sadaqa

              Set aside a part of your wealth to help the poor. The reward of charity done in Ramadan is very high.

              • Spend more time in the mosque

              Participate in Taraweeh and other prayers as much as possible. Try to go to the mosque and pray with the Jamaat.


              Preparation for Ramadan is a holistic process that includes physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects. If we prepare well in advance, we can make the most of this holy month and get closer to Allah.

              May this Ramadan be a source of mercy, blessings and forgiveness for all of us. Ameen.

              Spiritual Benefits of Ramadan: How Fasting Transforms the Mind and Soul

              IslamicFinder se Ramadan Guidelines –